In honor of Celiac Awareness Month, I’m sharing a few fun things you might not have heard about that have to do with celiac disease. Read on and let me know if any of these are news to you!

Did you know?

1. There are dogs that can sniff out gluten. Yes, certain dogs can be trained to detect gluten in foods or household goods. For those who are extremely sensitive to gluten, one of these dogs can provide an additional line of defense against a gluten exposure. Currently there are no national training guidelines for these dogs, yet for certain families or individuals, a gluten-sniffing dog can be a huge help. Learn more here

Did you know?

2. There is a Celiac Cruise setting sail for the Caribbean March 31st through April 5th, 2022. Celiac Cruise provides a vacation and educational experience combined with a ready-made gluten-free community. They offer cruises around the world in partnership with Royal Caribbean International and AMA Waterways. These cruises are endorsed by the Celiac Disease Foundation and Dr. Schar. Check out the website here

Did you know?

3. There’s a podcast called The Celiac Project Podcast that talks about all things related to celiac disease. I love listening to the creators — Micheal Frolichstein and Cam Weiner — banter about what it’s like to live a gluten-free life. They also interview doctors, individuals with celiac, authors, business owners and other professionals who share helpful advice. Listen to the podcast here